Winter Tales is set in the context of the great conflict between the Kingdom of Winter, that represents hatred, fear, and the destruction of dreams, and Spring, that embodies hope, love and fine sentiments.
The role play takes place in the Land of Winter, Wintertown.
Lying on a hill facing the East and sheltered from the cold winds blowing from the mountains, the Land was once the home of Fables and dreams. One day, however, the Kingdom came and caught in its grip homes and people: frost and darkness are now smothering any fire of hope and love.
After its victory in the Conflict of Autumn, in fact, the Kingdom of Winter caught in its grip the Land of Fables. The inhabitants of the Country, now deprived of their ancient freedom and happiness, walk shiftily in the narrow alleys hit by the freezing wind of the North, hoping not to draw the cruel attention of the Soldiers.
Fed by hatred and fear, Winter wants to suffocate all flames of love with the frost of the snow and obfuscate forever any light of hope in the eternal darkness of winter night. Appalled Fables now move in the shadows, but they know they cannot leave every hope for the future in the hands of frost and are ready to fight to chase the Winter away and let Spring bloom again.
This is the setting and the scenario of Winter Tales, that is a narrativist board game in which a different story is always told in each new game session. The game is then not only limited to moving pawns and using skills or rules, but also deeply involves the player, making him become the narrator of a collaborative and always new story. Winter Tales is primarily a story that all players create together!
Matteo Santus |